Sultan Gustaf Al Ghozali or as we known as Ghozali Everyday, a 22-year-old guy from Semarang, Central Java, known on the NFT trading platform OpenSea as @Ghozali Ghozalu. He took selfies of himself “Standing in front of the computer day by day” for five years, from 2017 to be exact.
The collection was released on January 9, 2022, with each image costing USD 3. Before falling slightly, the floor price quickly reached 0.9 ETH (about USD 3,000) per piece. Further, hundreds of Ghozali's selfies have been purchased and circulated in the market, with a total trade volume of 293 Ethereum coins, or US$986,485.
Nearly $1 million has been spent on an Indonesian man's selfies as of today. That wouldn't have been conceivable if NFTs weren't so odd and unpredictable.
Road To His Fame
Arnold Poernomo, an Indonesian famous chef, also tweeted about the NFT collection.
Poernomo posted, "Ghozali happened...the year of Gozali," tagging Ghozalo's Twitter account.
According to Crypto Briefing, Poernomo further stated that by publicizing the collection, he "didn't just transform [Ghozali's] life," but that others who purchased the tokens saw a 78,000 percent return on their investment.
Interestingly, the collection's name will remind NFT enthusiasts of Beepel's wildly popular NFT artwork, Everydays: The First 5000 Days, which sold for USD 69 million in March 2021.