Step into a refreshing tea-drinking experience with local artisanal tea company, PIN TEA 品茶. Following the success of The PIN Classics Collection, a range of unique tea blends inspired by iconic neighbourhoods in Singapore, the brand unveils its latest selection of five, carefully handpicked floral blends – The PIN Garden Collection.
PIN Tea will be showcasing The PIN Garden Collection and its signature The PIN Classics Collection teas at the wildly popular design-centric pasar malam, Singapasar over National Day weekend from 4-6 August 2017. Join us for a tea-rific time on Friday, 4pm-9pm, and on Saturday and Sunday, from 11am-8pm, at National Design Centre, Main Atrium and Gallery 1. Following the pop-up at Singapasar, The PIN Garden Collection will officially debut at select retailers including Isetan’s RE-Style section for local designers, Naiise pop-up stores, Keepers, and Onlewo, alongside PIN Tea’s signature The PIN Classics Collection.
Singapasar Event Details
Venue: National Design Centre, Main Atrium and Gallery 1 Date: Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 4-6 August 2017 Time: Friday: 4pm-9pm, Saturday & Sunday: 11am-8pm Admission: Complimentary