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The Dim Sum Dollies are Back!

Writer's picture: Dennis TohDennis Toh

Since 2002, the Dim Sum Dollies® have been delighting the island in 3-inch heels, sequined dresses, feathered head gear and stunning the crowds with quick costume changes. Known for their bold humour, the Dim Sum Dollies® will once again show off their satirical chops, as they explore different issues, current and old.

Selena Tan and Pam Oei will be joined by their newest Dolly, Denise Tan. Together, they will charm the audience again with their quick-witted sass and wickedly candid humour.


This December, the Dollies take a mischievous peek at our recent history, starting from when we first gained our independence – its Singapore from 1965!

The Dollies celebrate a people’s history – every Singaporean’s role in shaping the Singapore we know today. From the Kallang Roar to ‘chop-ing’ seats with the tissue pack, everyone has contributed towards our nation’s personality and sense of identity. And at 50, Singapore is still an adolescent with a lot more ‘growing up’ to do!’

DSD 2014 - Two Is Enough

Singapore is almost 50 and it’s time to take stock: Who did what, when, how and to whom? Goodbye pre-1965 B.C. years (‘Before Crying’)! The Dollies are doing a new song and dance about our A.D. years (‘After Drying’… the tears of separation, that is).

To keep up with the LIGHTNING quick changes on our little island, the Dollies will make lightning quick costume changes, switching from icon to icon and completely redrawing the boundaries of comedy on the Esplanade stage!

The ‘Two is enough’ girls meet the Ribena kids Kallang roars and Talentime scores The Courtesy Lion takes on the Spitting Merlion The Anson Bye-Bye-elections and the ISA Wave of detentions Great Singapore inventions – CPF, HDB, COE, GST and ERP The Singapore River clean-up and the Mas Selamat mess-up

There’s so much more to our history – just read between the lines!

From the A-Go-Go 1960s to the ‘Stomp’-ing 2000s, the Dollies lay claim to Singapore in their quest for a complete Monop…er… DOLLYPOLY!

Come discover the uncorrupted but somewhat uncorroborated truth with the Dim Sum Dollies®, in The History of Singapore Part 2 – The Growing Up Years!

DSD2014 - Traders

Tickets can be purchased through SISTIC website:, SISTIC Hotline: (65) 6348 5555 and SISTIC Authorised Agents islandwide.

11 – 23 December 2014 Esplanade Theatre

Do note that the show has been classified as Advisory 16 (Some Mature Content)


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