The thing that people love about musicals are the coordinated dance steps and the catchy songs being played. We saw that and more during the Mamma Mia musical.

Inspired by the story-telling magic of ABBA’s timeless hits, this enchanting tale of love, laughter and friendship tells the story of a daughter’s quest to discover the identity of her father on the eve of her wedding, bringing three men from her mother’s past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago.
There were well coordinated group dances that really wow-ed us and the costumes and props brought out this nostalgic feeling of the past.
When the songs played, especially the theme song, you would feel like swaying to the beat and it just makes you feel like joining in and singing along.

The musical was light hearted and comical, with a lot of actions exaggerated to create a dramatic effect and even the props and the costumes had that comical effect to it. Yes it works, you can hear the audience bursting into laughter.

Yet at the same time, it causes the audience to think about the issues that the characters are facing. The musical arouses a mixture of emotions, emotions everyone have felt before and can identify with. Being angry at your parents, being fond of a particular someone, wanting to pursue the truth. It is a musical for both young and old. All these different experiences are presented to us in the course of the musical.
We would say the musical was great! Well done to the cast and all who were involved in its production, it was definitely successful. To all who have yet to watch Mamma mia, you are bound to enjoy it. Get your tickets now!
Writer: Samuel Low